League of Hustlers

Ep106: Got WAP?! Need WAP?! Get WAP!!

WAP Thumbnail

By now you have heard of the popular song WAP by Cardi B and Meg the Stallion. We’re here to tell you that you can actually get rich off WAP. Yep, rich off WAP. It’s actually a necessity if you are going to be rich. A wealthy attitude and perspective is the foundation for your richest life. Let’s get it!!!

Ep103: You Are Obligated to be Rich (TSOGR chp1)


You are OBLIGATED to be rich. But what is rich? It is exactly what you say it is. Join us as we review the first chapter of The Science of Getting Rich. We’ll cover your new found obligation along with what being rich really is.

Ep99: Intelligent Hustle: Accelerate Success

Accelerate Success - Be An Intelligent Hustler Image

It’s not good enough to just hustle hard. If you want to accelerate success you will also need to hustle smart. Be an intelligent hustler and grind confidently, knowing that success is speeding your way.

Ep97: Hustle for Everything

Hustle for Everything - The Definition of Ambition

Hustle for everything! When we talk about being a hustler we are talking about a lifestyle. In everything we do we push for greatness. What that really means is being willing to put in the necessary work. The hustle is a 24/7 commitment to pursue what is important to you. Set your targets, and lets go!