League of Hustlers


Are you ready to become richer in mind, body, spirit and wallet? Join an extraordinary League of Hustlers focused on enriching our lives. Our Vision Share knowledge. Build wealth. To create a community where affluent urban millennials can gain knowledge, support, and inspiration while building their empire. Our vision is to create a society of over 1,000 hustlers who’ve defeated the odds and advanced their lives in pursuit of their goals. Who We Are We are you. We want to create companies that grow bigger each year. We want healthy relationships with our families & friends. We want to build generational wealth. We want to connect with like-minded individuals. We want to create brands that impact the culture. Do you agree? Join us. Our Story Dream catchers. We’re two college friends who’ve set out on a mission to fill a hole in the market. Valuable life-changing content catered specifically for urban entrepreneurs. We’d like to take you on a journey with us as pursue our American Dream. We’ll detail our pursuit of mogul status and share knowledge and inspiration along the way. So send in questions, ask for advice, and let’s make this a mutually beneficial journey. Join the League.