Want to know how to build wealth?
As hustlers we can’t afford to be made up of the same ingredients as the average person. It takes more, because we strive for more. We really aren’t built the same. If you want to know how to build wealth financially; start by building wealth in your life. Build your life on a solid foundation, and the riches will come. And when they do come you will be prepared to sustain them, because you are built to do so.
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Youtube - Ep96: Not Built the Same: How to Build Wealth in Life
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LoH Key Points
You are a builder
Choose your materials
Protect the propert
You are the Architect
The current state of our life is based on what we have built up to this point. If we want more out of our lives then we are required to become a better builder. If you want to know how to build wealth in life, you must understand this principle. It is the foundation for growth. You must accept responsibility for the life you have built, and make the necessary changes to build the life that you desire. There are several ways that you can be a better builder. We will cover the most important.
Choosing Your Materials
Now that we understand that we are builders we can clearly see that the materials that we select to build with must be of the highest quality. The content that we consume is the material that we have available to build with. The information we digest directly influences our attitude, mood, thoughts, and perspectives. These things have a major impact on the outcomes in our lives. The difference between a poor man and a rich man is simply an idea. It is very important that we feed ourselves content that supports the type of life that we desire to build.
Protect the Building
The content that fuels our thoughts and ideas comes from all around us. We can’t avoid every negative conversation or news article, but we must simply be aware so that we can balance the intake. As a builder you would not go out a find rotten materials to construct your building with. You must inspect the content you consume and determine whether it has a place in your building. Even the company that we keep has an impact on our outcomes. Keep in mind that we can’t disconnect from the world but we must be aware of the type of content that is being presented so that we can be careful to not let it infiltrate our building plan.
LoH Challenge
You are what you eat. We challenge you to get on a League of Hustlers diet. Positive vibes only! Now that we know how to build wealth, let’s intentionally consume the content that fosters growth. Monitor the type of content you’re regularly consuming and make the necessary adjustments. Find materials that add value to you and your vision. Nuture relationships and conversations that push you towards your goals, and be weary of the rest. Building a wealthy life begins here.
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