League of Hustlers

Is opportunity monopolized?

Opportunities come and go.  Are you missing them or are you catching them?  In this episode we review chapter 3 of “The Science of Getting Rich”.  Is opportunity monopolized?  Assess opportunities as they arise.  Learn when to accept the challenges presented and when to pivot to the next opportunity.  We all want to grow, and there is enough room for all of us to do so, but we must choose our opportunities wisely.  Let’s get it. 

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Overview: Did you miss your opportunitymiss opportunity slide

LoH Key Points

  • Understand the Time

  • Abundance of Supply

  • Its Natural to Desire to Achieve


Understanding the Times

Some opportunities are dated.  Imaging trying to sell a suit of armor in today’s world.  Sure you would make sales, but the widespread adoption may not occur because the opportunity is dated.  Not many people actually desire a suit of armor.  We want to continuously set goals that are attainable.  A major key to doing this is understanding the time.  If you understand the time well enough, you may even have the foresight to see what is coming next.

Abundance of Supply
There are times when it seems as if there is not enough room for you or your business in an industry.  This chapter of the book informs us that this is simply not true.  There is always enough of everything for everyone.  This perspective is mostly a matter of positioning.  It is not enough to set a goal.  You must either be in a favorable position, or have a plan to get in position.  If you are pursuing an industry that already has giants holding the lion share of resources or customers, then you may need to position yourself in a way that makes you attractive and different from the competition.  A good example of this is the car company Tesla.  Tesla entered the automotive industry with a new and unique value proposition that gives them relevance in a competitive market.  There is room for you and your goals.  Position yourself for success.

The Urge to Achieve

It’s natural to desire more life.  It is the nature of life to grow and multiply.  The same is the case for us.  Follow your desire to grow.  Create goals and begin moving in the direction of completion.  If you have the desire, then the opportunity is available to you to fulfill those desires. Position yourself accordingly and go achieve.

LoH Challenge  

Think of a few great thinkers, or leaders that you admire.  Use them as a guide when choosing your opportunities.  Ask yourself, what would they do in this situation.  Take a look back at some of your past choices for opportunities, and ask the same question.  What would they have done?  Are your decisions aligned?  Use this as a tool to analyze new opportunities and challenges.  Take your invisible mentor with you everywhere you go, and ask…. what would they do? 

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