League of Hustlers

Reach More People with Digital Marketing

We  interviewed one of the youngest and fastest moving Senior Marketing Directors in the country, Rick Medalle.  Rick is a certified digital marketing pro, so make sure you listen closely.  Rick drops some serious gems in this episode.  Tune in as we discuss what to do with your cash, how and where to connect with your best customers, staying true to your message, and much more.  By the way…… the challenge at the end of this episode is crazy.  Let’s get it!!

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Overview: Digital Marketing 101 w/ Rick Medalle

Digital Marketing Medalle Slide

LoH Key Points

  • Learn to Find Your Target

  • Be Social on Social

  • Don’t Compete; Compliment


Find Your Target

In today’s economy we have a variety of choices. There isn’t just a single grocery store in your area, and with the internet people aren’t limited to shopping only in their area. They can make purchases across the country and have items shipped to their home. As a business it is the most competitive time as well as the most opportune time. In the crowded market you have to have ways for your customers to find you. Digital Marketing allows us to leverage the internet to reach our potential customers. In most cases you are your best customer! Your best customers are likely to like some of the things that you like. They are likely to hang out in the places that you like, and they are likely to prefer the same social platforms as you. If your customers aren’t finding you then go out and find them!

Be Social on Social

In the realm of digital marketing it isn’t enough to just have social media accounts, and just make posts. You actually need to engage with your audience. The way people network with each other is totally different now. Meeting people at actual events is great, but how often are you actually attending events? Social media gives us the chance to meet and share with someone new each day. Actually be social with people on social media. Work on commenting, liking, and sharing. Build relationships with other users who are active in this space. They will appreciate your engagement, and help share your message as well.

Don’t Compete, Compliment

This was a major gem right here.  Digital marketing, social media, and online businesses are all very competitive.  Its easy to get caught in the competitive space or feel like you have to try to be better than the next business or person.  Don’t waste your time in the energy draining area.  Simply look for ways to better yourself.  While you are working on yourself, look for other people or businesses in a complimentary industry.  Focus on collaborating with businesses that may have an overlap in target audience.  Use your energy to build and compliment versus competing.

LoH Challenge

This challenge was handcrafted by Rick himself.  One major key that Rick dropped in the episode was to learn to compliment others not compete with others.  Go out and find 5 people or businesses that compliment what you do.  Reach out and build a bridge.  Ask how you can help them grow their situation.  Work together and find ways to help each other grow.  One example of this was if you are a fitness guru, then pair up with someone in the nutrition or supplement industry.  Find ways to help others grow.  Inside of this method you will find yourself growing as well!

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