League of Hustlers

Get Rich Off WAP

By now you have heard of the popular song WAP by Cardi B.  We’re here to tell you that you can actually get rich off WAP.  Yep, rich off WAP. It’s actually a necessity if you are going to be rich.  A wealthy attitude and perspective is the foundation for your richest life.  Let’s get it!!!

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Overview: Got WAP???

WAP slider


LoH Key Points

  • Develop a Wealthy Mindset

  • Attitude

  • Perspective


Develop a Wealthy Mindset

Wealth is the “W” in the league of hustler’s WAP acronym.  We want you to have WAP all the days of your life.  What is wealth to you?  Wealth is a matter of lifestyle, which is in most cases closely related to or affected by income.  Determine the type of lifestyle you wish to live.  How do you want to spend your days?  If you don’t know the answer to this, then you need to spend some time to figure this out.  Once you have that figured out you will need to train your mind to think and focus like the version of you that lives that life.  It is still you.  It is just a better version on you.  Develop your wealthy mindset, and you are well on your way to becoming rich.

Attitude for Success

I’m sure you have heard several versions of the saying, ” your attitude determines your altitude”.  If you are going to obtain the lifestyle that you defined as wealthy then you are going to have to have the attitude to match.  Your attitude is the combined forces of your thoughts and emotions.  It is the vibe that you radiate when you walk into a room.  Without saying a word your attitude can welcome new opportunities or it can repel them as well.  Your attitude needs to invite all of the wealth that you desire.  Make sure you are in a zone where you are eager to learn, willing to give, and ready to receive.  Keep your attitude in check, don’t let anyone or anything sway you away from your wealthy attitude.  It is a vital component to the WAP formula.

Perspective for Opportunities

Perspective is the final piece to the WAP equation.  Without it you will miss out on opportunities, and never obtain the wealth you desire.  Learn to see the opportunities embedded in every situation or problem.  It is true that the glass is half empty, but it is also true that the glass is half full.  A poor perspective will see an issue and only an issue.  A wealthy perspective will see a problem as a problem, but also be able to see the new opportunities that are now available because of the problem.  If you want to develop wealth in your life develop your perspective.  Learn to find the hidden treasure in every problem.

LoH WAP Challenge

We challenge you to have WAP all the days of your life.  Be intentional about the type of wealth that you wish to develop.  Write it down and be specific.  Train your mind and align your attitude to welcome new challenges,  opportunities, and experiences.  Finally learn to look for opportunities in every situation, even if at first they appear to be negative.  Now get you some WAP!

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