League of Hustlers

Mastering Decision Making

We are constantly making decisions.  When it comes to success;,it’s vital that you are capable of making good decisions consistently.  Learn how to quickly assess opportunities and make masterful decisions easily with three easy steps.  Upgrade your hustle with the DIP Method, our three steps process to master decision making.

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Decision Making Slide


LoH Key Points

  • Fueled by Desire

  • Keep your Integrity intact

  • Only take Purpose filled actions


Decision Making Fueled by Desire

When analyzing opportunities the first thing you want to check is your desire.  Do you actually want to do what will be required to be successful?  Is the outcome desirable enough to you to to keep you motivated?  The purpose of this first checkpoint is to make sure that you can actually commit to the opportunity.  The objective is to assure that you will have the necessary fuel to continue even if the things don’t go as expected.  That fuel is desire.  The first step in the DIP method for mastering decision making is to make sure that you can find desire in the opportunity.  If you can’t find desire in the opportunity, then it isn’t for you.

Keep Integrity Intact

The second checkpoint in the dip method is to validate the integrity of the opportunity.  You have to make sure that the decisions you are making comply with your personal code of ethics.  Opportunities will come and go.  Some of them may seem to provide bountiful rewards.  If the rewards seem too good to be true, then they usually are.  Avoid making decisions that will come back to haunt you later.  If an opportunity goes against your personal moral code, then discard it quickly.  Stand firm on your integrity.  You will soon be rewarded with better opportunities that align with your character.

Only Take Purpose Filled Action

Your purpose gives you direction.  Use it like a compass to guide your decision making.  The last checkpoint in the dip method is to make sure that you are making decisions that align with your purpose.  Don’t allow any new projects or opportunities to distract you from your purpose.  Things that pull you away from your purpose aren’t meant for you.  They are distractions.  Analyze situations and make sure that you can use them to help fulfill your purpose.  If an opportunity doesn’t align with your current direction, don’t take it.  Only take actions that are aligned with your purpose.


Analyze the opportunities present to you now as well as opportunities that have been available to you in the past using the dip method.  Make sure your current decisions can pass all of the checkpoints.  Also take a look at those decisions you made in the past and analyze them using the dip method.  Did your decisions meet the criteria?  Did the decisions turn out to be good or bad decisions?  Start using the dip method as a tool in your day to day decision making.  Become confident in your decision making and stay on track with your hustle.

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